Senin, 14 Maret 2016

cremation urns a meditative process

weve made a number of boxes for friends ashes over the years.  i always find it an honor, a time to reflect, and a time to appreciate the person and the relationship we had.  the boxes and caskets below were all made in the last 7 years and i expect as time goes by to make a few more each year. our friends are getting older. click the photos to enlarge them.
the box at the top of this post was for the mother of a good friend;  her daughter in laws box is in the photo above; both boxes are in stained butternut.
this one was for a good friends mother; cherry and curly maple.
a matching pair ... the husband above in november; the wife, below, a few months later.
both in stained quartered cherry
and we knew them since the 70s
a friend for 43 years who passed on this past summer .. birdseye maple and steel; family effort; sam on metal; will on dovetails; dan on the box bottom, the lid, and
kits mom;  milk painted pine and douglas fir

reclaimed pine

my dad , a dancer, an engineer, a fisherman and a hunter; cherry and walnut
my mom; a mom and a quilter; various woods
 there is a detailed post on box making with dimensions and step by step steps at this link
 theyve all been spur of the moment projects and i havent varied the theme much
 and often i get one of these
jump at the chance to make one if it comes your way.  you wont regret it.  its wonderful thing to do.

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1 komentar:

  1. very nice design of Wooden Urns but now a days, the designs are quite small. I have at least 26 designs of wooden urns.
