one of our new clients came up with a concept for a variation on one of our tables that was really clever.
click the photos to enlarge them ...

she asked if we could make this table we made in 2013 open to have 4 of leaves inserted.

it seemed like it could work, so we made a model, which she accepted and we were off to new design land.

all finished now, but these dark tables are tough to photograph

with 2 of the three leaves

lots of pieces

cad drawing showing placemats and seating when open and closed

some fine walnut from irion lumber

since we had made the model on the cnc from the cad drawing, it was a simple matter for trevor to cut some full size templates for the base pieces from mdf and lay them out on the 12/4 stock

joinery details

glue up

the finished pedestals

the rest, as they say, was just an exercise .. cut the halves, cut the apron pieces, install the holes and pins and catches ... using our trusty jig

more info on this at the blog link above

tah dah

disassembly, and final sanding .. stain and finish next week sometime

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